David Strasser

B.S., Pennsylvania State University

M. Edu., Columbia University

David Strasser teaches high school math including algebra and statistics. He has taught math in public schools for most of his career. Mr. Strasser holds a Master in Mathematics Education from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Science from Pennsylvania State University. He served in the Peace Corps working in the Philippines at Pampanga Agricultural College where he taught and developed courses in Agroforestry and forestry. While there, Mr. Strasser also organized a community nursery and tree-planting project in an adjacent village.  Mr. Strasser has a strong interest in integrating technology with math education so that students not only learn math operations, but also understand how this knowledge applies to real life. He also tells us that, “Teaching math at BCA is my dream job,” as he has long wanted to teach in a school where he can combine faith and learning.