Celebrating Our Valedictorian and Salutatorian

Jack Batten
· Yale University, Biochemistry
· Summa Cum Laude
· National Honor Society
· Newell Scholar
· AP Capstone Scholar
· The Award for Excellence in History
· The Award for Excellence in Ancient World Languages
· The Thomas Stolar Award for Excellence in Instrumental Music
· The Gina Sweeney Award for Excellence in Mathematics
· The Award for Excellence in Biblical and Theological Studies
Quotes from Jack’s Valedictorian address:
“The philosophical school of existentialism focuses on the confusion of life. Soren Kierkegaard, the existentialist philosopher called this absurdity. Absurdity is the contrast between the silence of God and our demand for answers. The book of Job tells the story of a man who demands answers. When everything feels absurd, Job says
‘Oh that I knew where I might find God, that I might come, even to his seat!”. But when God comes down to meet Job at the end of the book, he doesn’t answer his questions. Instead, he makes a promise that one day he would solve the world’s absurdity once and for all. So, I advise you, my friends, as you leave this place today, go to the cross, and rest in the assurance that the confusion of life, the absurdity of life is resolved in the person of Jesus Christ.”

Sarah Hubbard
Sarah Hubbard, Salutatorian
· College of the Holy Cross, Classics and Computer Science
· Summa Cum Laude
· National Honor Society
· Newell Scholar
· AP Capstone Scholar
· The Award for Excellence in Biblical and Theological Studies
· The Award for Excellence in Vocal Music
· The Award for Excellence in History
· The Award for Excellence in Ancient World Languages
Quotes from Sarah’s Salutatorian address:
“Tonight, we will honor our various achievements. One of our seniors said in her senior spotlight ‘What surprised me when I first came to BCA was seeing so many talented people here, but I never felt left out!’ At BCA, having talents does not foster competition, but rather a desire to joyfully use our talents to give to others. Her experience, I think, demonstrates BCA’s culture of supporting and celebrating our fellow students. A major focus of this year was fostering unity in our school, based on our Christian mission. It is my hope that you, too, will relish its (BCA’s) encouraging and unifying spirit.”