A Passion for Music
Music and students–a match made in heaven.
To share music is to share a piece of one’s self. Music is another language. It allows for expression, creation, and appreciation of beauty. It is a vehicle for a shared culture and community. There is room for individuality and personal gifts in the music classroom as well as the need to acquire knowledge and skills. It is my hope that each student would learn enough in music class to love and if desired, create music, so that it will be a permanent and present part of their lives.
[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#ffffff” background=”#ef7f2c”]A[/dropcap]llison Balentine received her Bachelor of Science degree in music from Bucknell University in Lewisburg PA. Her primary instrument is the oboe. She is also a vocalist and plays the guitar and piano. Allison completed all the requirements for an education degree as well and earned her MA teaching license. She is currently enrolled in a Master of Education program at Gordon College in Wenham MA. Teaching music at BCA combines her loves of music and education.
Allison is the founder and director of the Molin Drama Club in Newburyport MA. This group of fourth and fifth graders performs in the spring at their school and is 75 students strong. She is the co-director of the Molin School Chorus which performs in the fall. She has conducted the bell choir at Hope Community Church in Newburyport where she serves as a vocalist on the worship team. She has been involved as a performer in many different choirs and symphonies over the years. Allison teaches oboe and piano privately.
In addition to her expertise in music, Allison is also a MA Certified Reading Specialist.