Bradford’s chapel program grounds students in the beliefs and values of Christian faith and cultivates in students the discipline, reverence, wonder, and contemplation necessary to grow toward mature faith. We are respectful of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox traditions as we gather weekly for chapel services. Middle school chapel chooses several themes each year and chapels are planned around those themes. High school chapel features weekly speakers from among our region’s pastors, priests, and youth ministers.
Four all-school chapels mark the beginning and ending of the school year:
Convocation Chapel – at the start of every school year, our community gathers to dedicate the school year to God, to welcome new students to the school , and to set a tone for excellence in all pursuits throughout the year.
Christmas Chapel – Christmas is a special time of celebration for our school as we celebrate Christ’s birth. Our Christmas chapel features our choir, vocal and instrumental ensembles, reflections on the season, dramatic readings, and other artistic offerings that draw the school community into the joy of the season.
Homecoming Chapel – held each January, homecoming chapel welcomes BCA alumni/ae home to Bradford. The chapel service speakers are graduates of the school who offer reflection about how their Bradford experience informs their faith and life. The high school choir performs a short concert and the Bradford Christian Academy Hymn is sung.
Baccalaureate Chapel – as the school year closes the school community gathers to honor our graduating class with celebration and thanksgiving for the learning they have accomplished. Our departmental awards for academic achievement are presented along with the Head of School Award for Service to the School and the Dean’s Award for Academic Determination.